Challenge a new era with unique design, production, processing capability!

SAN Technologies boasts its own proprietary technology, carefully growing in the design and manufacture of wind tunnels and testing equipment. The wind tunnel equipment adopted for the study of hydrodynamic performance is necessary for research fields in a wide field, there is no same requirement. By adopting a flexible approach to these requirements and working on every project from scratch, regardless of work specifications, SAN Technologies is demonstrating its strength in the field of design and production. The company's technology has earned the trust of researchers in a wide range of fields including the aerospace industry and is effectively applied to the field of machining. Using 5-axis MC, CAD, CAM and other state-of-the-art technologies, Sun Technologies provides stable mass production of aircraft and precision machine parts, the most important parts quality. We apply innovative design and production combining cutting-edge production technology and processing capability to collaborative research between industry, academia and government, opening the door to next-generation technology.

Mass-production/Precision machining

We constantly look at changes in the times, have strong motivation to incorporate new technologies, and focus on high-speed cutting work as quickly as possible. We have introduced innovative equipment including simultaneous 5-axis MC at an early stage and expanded the product field with high precision and high quality machining. We are actively working to strengthen factory production systems that enable low-cost, high-efficiency mass production systems and to improve production technology capabilities, and meet customer's requirements in both quality and quantity. By quickly responding to factory operations at 24 hours, short delivery has also been realized.

Test research

SAN Technologies has accumulated extensive experience in the design and production fields in phases and phases by supporting research and responding to the diverse needs of universities, companies and research institutes. Our design and production capacity to form concepts from fresh clay, create innovative new things, established San Technologies as a manufacturing base in a wide range of industries. In today's era where continuous innovation is expected, we are committed to further strengthening design and production capacity against innovative technology.

Original product development

Cutting shops are developing products that can be solved by repeating trial and error, so you can see the trouble accurately. It can recover overwhelmingly higher flying oil purity than conventional floating oil recovery equipment.

Therefore, waste disposal is about once a month, it is very convenient, the amount of waste liquid is not economical and inefficient, it just discards the timing.